F. Hopkinson Evans
American designer, active 1914–1930
(active 1914-1930) Although F. Hopkinson Evans consistently appears in Philadelphia city directories through his association with Westing, Evans & Egmore, decorators, he does merit a few citations in the Philadelphia Real Estate Record and Builders Guide as a designer and, in fact, first appears in the Philadelphia architectural scene with his renderings in the 1905/06 T-Square Club Exhibition catalogue for a "Late XVII Century Dining Room (Georgian Period)," a "Half Timbered Hall, Early Elizabethan," "Elizabethan Hall," and "XVIII Century Drawing Room (Adams Period)." His address in 1906 is 1315 Walnut Street.
Person TypeIndividual
- artists
American painter and illustrator, 1866–1924
American cartoonist, 1896–1970
American illustrator, 1879-1950
English painter and graphic artist, 1867–1956