John Chester Buttre

John Chester Buttre
John Chester Buttre

John Chester Buttre

American engraver and publisher, 1821–1893
BiographyA commercial engraver, lithographer, and printer, Buttre was known for his portraits of political figures as well as for his sentimental images produced during the Civil War. He was a highly successful artist and publisher in New York.
Person TypeIndividual
    © Artist or Artist's Estate. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum. Not for reprod…
    English artist, 1885–1954, active in America
    Harry Fenn
    American painter and illustrator, 1837–1911
    Thomas Nast
    American cartoonist, illustrator, 1840–1902
    William Strang
    Scottish painter and printmaker, 1859–1921
    © Artist or Artist's Estate. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum. Not for reprod…
    British painter, etcher, and draftsman, 1886–1966
    Augustus Köllner
    German painter and lithographer, 1813–1906, active in United States
    Art © Thomas Hart Benton and Rita P. Benton Testamentary Trusts/VAGA for ARS, New York, NY, New…
    American painter, illustrator, and lithographer, 1889–1975