Lynda Benglis

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Lynda BenglisAmerican video artist, photographer, and sculptor, born 1941

Lynda Benglis was born in Louisiana and educated at Newcomb Collage at Tulane University, Yale University, Yale University’s Norfolk Art School, and the Brooklyn Museum Art School. She worked at the New York Bykert Gallery in the 1960s where her work was included in group exhibitions. Her first solo exhibition was in 1969, followed by numerous museum and gallery exhibitions throughout her career. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and two National Endowment of the Arts grants. Benglis’ work, which enlivens cooler Minimalism with gesture and brushstroke, is associated with feminist art movements of the 1970s.

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© Lynda Benglis/VAGA for ARS, New York, NY, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delawa…
Lynda Benglis
c. 1990
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis
© Lynda Benglis/ VAGA for ARS, New York, NY. Photograph and digital image © Delaware Art Museum…
Lynda Benglis